Friday, 11 May 2012

Remember when people used to talk to each other?

The Daily Mail - By ROGER LEWIS

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Luckily, I am very stupid when it comes to anything vaguely scientific or technological. Anything more complicated than an ‘on’ or ‘off’ switch - forget it. I can’t set the video recorder, have never sent or received a text, and I treat a computer as a glorified typewriter.
I am the last person left alive in the entire world to use a fountain pen and Waterman’s brown ink. I’m keeping the Royal Mail going all on my own.
I say ‘luckily’, above, because the rest of you are going mad. I know this because Professor Larry Rosen, Chair of Psychology at California State University, says so in his fascinating and troubling new book. People have now become so dependent on their BlackBerrys, iPads, smartphones, and suchlike gadgets, if they are parted from their apparatus, if they can’t check e-mails every ten seconds or scan the internet’s 30 billion images, they experience ‘chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or dizziness’.
Good, is my reaction to that news. Drop dead, you dopey lot. I think my chief objection to the prevalence of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Flickr [sic], and other ‘social networks’ is how anti-social they are - how rude they have made people become. Whatever happened to manners?
Those were the days: A family mealtime without interruption
Those were the days: A family mealtime without interruption
Just last week, in the Garrick Club of all hallowed places, I saw a woman ‘checking in with the babysitter’ every few minutes. I wanted to blow my top. What was she anxious about? Burglars? Or was it that my company was so totally boring, she recoursed to the equivalent of getting out a pack of cards and playing Patience on the tabletop?
But you see this all the time – people who don’t talk, they text. Frantically. In the street, on railway station platforms, going up and down escalators, sitting in the dark in cinemas. They get furious if they are interrupted, too. Families sit around pressing their little keypads, like chimps prodding ants with sticks. ‘Regardless of where they are or who they are with’, says Rosen, on trains or in supermarkets, blocking the aisles, you hear complete strangers bellowing into their mobiles about their private affairs, arrogantly oblivious to the fact that they might be bothering the rest of us.
Einstein said, ‘It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity’. He was referring to the atom bomb, but the same goes for a Pay-As-You-Go mobile phone with instant internet access. According to Rosen, people have become so dominated by their gadgets, they are ‘engaging in obsessive compulsive behaviours’.
They ignore others in the vicinity, forget they are in restaurants or church or lectures, and feel ‘anger and hostility’ if disconnected from their electronic lifelines. Marriages are crumbling because even on holiday husbands keep plugged into the office. In America, 448,000 road accidents occurred in 2009 because drivers were busy sending and receiving texts - and the average manic American young person sends and receives 6,359 a month. To use a mobile while driving slows down reaction times to such an extent, the blood stream might as well be full of booze.
Computer technology always was attractive to nerdy sorts who are bad at socialising. The trouble is, lots of other people have discovered that they prefer going out by, in effect, staying in, avoiding ‘real-life friends’, as Rosen calls them, and becoming ‘net bingers’, spending up to 20 hours at a stretch exchanging messages and gossip and drivel.


The Winter Of Our Disconnect by Susan Maushart
What happened when one mother pulled the plug on technology and how her family lived to tell the tale.

Steve Jobs

Unexpectedly fascinating life story of the man who started it all with the invention of the Apple Mac computer in 1984.
As a consequence, there is currently an epidemic of antisocial personality disorders, social phobias, autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. The psychiatric wards are filling up with patients with ‘delusional thoughts and hallucinations, disorganised behaviour and speech’. Children are arriving at school already mad - they cannot interact, they’ve only ever been shoved before a flat-screen television and force-fed turkey twizzlers, and they can’t cope with ‘cues that we use during face-to-face communication, including gestures, facial expressions and voice-tone’.
The manic pace, the flickering of images and information, means there is an entire generation suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Tissue analysis has shown that brain circuitry is altering – chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin are at a level similar to that in addicts ‘involved in substance abuse’.
The new technology brings out the worst in people. People who’d normally be nice find themselves becoming strangely aggressive and malicious, firing off ‘escalating nasty posts’, like the pent-up authors of poison-pen letters in an Agatha Christie story. They can do this because the system is anonymous. The individuals they pillory ‘don’t know you and can’t find you behind your clever-user name’.
The technical word is disinhibition – people expressing opinions ‘in ways they would not do in person’, and in their right minds.
Anonymity appeals to idiots who have a ‘grandiose sense of self-importance’, according to Rosen, people who are haughty, and very sad. Having a huge Twitter following, for example, or scattering opinions on blogs, is ‘a draw that is extremely strong for the narcissist’.
Instant news: Prime Minister David Cameron texting
Instant news: Prime Minister David Cameron texting
Adolescents, in particular, relish the power of Facebook, and taunt and bully each other, sometimes resulting in suicide. Rosen and his colleagues do their best to ward against ‘the dangerous impact words  can have as people socialise online’, but what can be done? How can you suggest people have a go at day-dreaming instead, or read a book or pick up a newspaper and do things that ‘involves turning off your devices’?
Even in universities, students don’t want rubbishy old-fashioned books made of paper and ink. They want lectures that involve ‘YouTube videos and a multi-user virtual environment such as an interactive, immersive online role-playing game’. I’d give a lot to see my old tutor John Bayley’s reaction to much of that. He thought a Xerox machine was the invention of Satan.
When people wax lyrical about 3-D films, what I suggest is that they try going to see a flesh-and-blood show at the theatre – yes, that really is David Suchet up there, not a hologram! – or go to Zippo’s Circus, where the galloping horses look real because – Jumping Jesus! – they actually are real.
It is hard to believe, except it isn’t, that Rosen himself is having to organise therapy sessions in California to teach patients ‘to put a priority on human contact over electronic contact wherever possible’. One method is to introduce families to the idea of communal meals – ‘Each family member must know that all technology must stop and time is set aside for dinner and talk’. Otherwise it is like we are dead already, floating in solitude and touching each other only as apparitions.
The landlord of The Thorn, in my eccentric hometown of Bromyard, has the best method, more effective than all these clever Californian PhDs put together.
Whip out a mobile in his saloon bar and he’ll grab it and toss it under the lawnmower.

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Thursday, 10 May 2012

10 Reasons to Use a Typewriter

Beverly Woods - 2002.04.01 - Tip Jar

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I've come to the conclusion that Macs are contributing to the moral decay of America.
This nation was founded on the Protestant work ethic. (No, that's not the one where you protest that you have to work.) The idea is that virtuous effort - work - improves your moral character. Having fun should be reserved for a reward after hard work.
Therefore it follows that computers that are used to produce one's work should be appropriately arduous to deal with. If you are having fun, you are not working! You are not improving your moral character! And Mr. Calvin would be very disappointed in you if he hadn't passed on centuries ago.
Macs are too much fun to be good for you to use. I therefore present:

10 reasons to use a typewriter

  1. No automatic spell checking to interfere with your creativity.
  2. Improve your mental skills: Being able to alter work too easily makes you lazy.
  3. The louder typewriter keyboard improves office productivity by keeping coworkers from drifting off to sleep.
  4. Get in touch with your inner typist, doing things the good old way your ancestors did them.
  5. No tiresome screen to look at.
  6. The finished product must be physically transported to its destination, providing jobs for messengers and postal employees.
  7. How else are you going to use up the carbon paper in that bottom drawer?
  8. You do not have to buy more RAM or a bigger hard drive for the typewriter.
  9. Tech support, when needed, is generally simpler.
  10. The ailing Wite-Out industry will thank you.
Benchmark tests of relative character building effects will be available as soon as we figure out how to measure them. Meantime, typewriters have a very straightforward operating system, and any problem can be credibly blamed on the user.
With so many benefits, I'm sure this is the wave of the future.

The Helpful Uses For The Seemingly Obsolete Typewriter

Article garden - Sustainable living articles - By Gray Rollins

In our high tech world with computers on every desktop, laptops, palm pilots, cellular phones, the day of the typewriter seems to have come and gone. So is there still any use for the typewriter?

You might think the typewriter is the office dinosaur of the 21st century. In fact, if you ask some of the youngest and brightest upcoming students you might be surprised to discover some of them don't even know what a typewriter is. Not surprising in our modern world. But like all old dinosaurs there's got to be some uses for all those old typewriters. And there is.

Let's start with the using them. Even in our high tech world there are plenty of uses for typewriters. There are some office tasks that can be completed much quicker, more effectively, and with a lot less hassle using a typewriter than with a computer.

There are many situations in the work environment where all you need is a single label, or you just need to print one envelope but with a computer this can be a real hassle. By the time you open up the software package, configure everything just to print a single label, and then discover your computer printer isn't capable of printing individual labels you'll quickly see why the typewriter is the easiest way to quickly accomplish this task.

With the typewriter you simply place the label or envelope on the roller, load it, type your address or message, and remove it from the typewriter. It's that easy!

And because typewriters are compact and require no additional equipment like monitors, they don't require big desks, or lots of space. You can set up a typewriter on a small typewriter stand which also gives you the convenience of being able to move it around easily.

Besides use in the office, typewriters have become very collectable. From the old to the new there are collectors around the world building interesting collections. Some of the oldest models can actually attract a nice sum of money. So if you've got an interest in the history of office equipment, why not consider starting a typewriter collection.

Is there still a use for the typewriter? Absolutely! Don't write the typewriter off as an extinct piece of office equipment. It still is a valuable asset in any office and it helps keep simple tasks simple and non time-consuming.


  • ( last edited 5 years ago by PBworks

  • Even though it may not be widespread, professional offices can use typewriters for addressing envelopes, filling out forms, and writing letters.
  • Typewriters have some artistic appeal, such as Paul Auster and Sam Messer's "The Story of My Typewriter".

  • Auster and Messer are not the only artists to use typewriters in their work. In 2001, Kevin O'Callaghan and a group of students from the New Yorks School of Visual Arts produced a series of art works using obsolete typewriters to create "The next best... ding!" (from Typewriter Museum)

The Boston Typewriter Orchestra
The “Boston Typewriter Orchestra (BTO)” is a group of six young people who perform at various functions in the Boston area using old manual typewriters as musical instruments. Typewriters, in case you wondered, cannot actually play melodies, only percussion. The orchestra performs well-known pieces such as “Happy Birthday” and “Jingle Bells,” but it also plays original pieces such as “QWERTY Waltz.” In fact, the group has recently recorded and released their first CD, "The Revolution Will Be Typewritten".

To hear how a typewriter ensemble sounds, click on these links.
In September of 2006, the group was featured on the Fox and Friends morning show. It really would be worth your time to watch this short You Tube Video of the Boston Typewriter Orchestra’s television debut.

  • According to, an office supplies online store, "Today in developed countries, typewriters are often used for offices that require typing applications for which a computer would not be practical. Typewriters are very popular amongst writers and in less developed countries." This particular store sells many brands of typewriters, including Smith-Corona, Brother, IBM, and Lexmark, but many are "re-conditioned."

  • Popular business stores such as STAPLES sell typewriters, although they may range upwards of $300 and often have advanced capabilities, such as text display and spell check.

Staples Typewriters:Staples

  • Joyce Brittingham, who is the senior product manager for Brother, a Japanese electronics company, said Americans buy about 500,000 typewriters a year from her company, all of which are electric.

  • Rival company Royal produces manual typewriters for Third World countries where electricity is scarce. They sell 200,000 a year in Mexico and Central America alone.