Thursday, 23 February 2012

Answer on yahoo answers to impact of typewriters.

It eliminated the need for good penmanship!
In its day the typewriter was as revolutionary as the computer would be a hundred or so years later. For centuries business had to depend upon hand written invoices and other forms of communication and though many professions sought out employees with good clean penmanship then as now finding a person with readable writing was a cr^pshoot. Invoices in particular were mangled and business people found themselves struck with the wrong item or too much of this or too much of another item. Things were chaotic.
In a bank, or counting house, where multiple copies of records were needed several 'scriveners' were needed merely to keep up with the flow of business. When ten copies were needed just as often two or three people were employed or in a big counting house ten people were utilized to make ten copies just to speed things up and with so many people employed at the same task errors crept in and mistakes were magnified. It was a snowball rolling down hill sort of thing; one clerk would make an error, then a second clerk squinting at a hastily penned note would make an error - - - then a Southerner reading a paper written by a New Englander would mistake a Q for a G and so on and so until utter disaster errupted.
The Typewriter helped elimate that - - - - though in time typing errors would plague business it was still better than squinting at someone's handwriting and then when Carbon paper was invented multiple copies could be made at the source eliminating mistakes made by multiple hands.
And the typewriter freed up the writer the author the first of then being Mark Twain who found that his ideas flowed so much better when he was zinging over a keyboard rather than struggling to make his chicken scratch legible enough for his publisher to read.
It is no coincidence that the typewriter coincided with an up surge in American and later European Industry right at the end of the 19th and through the beginning of the 20th Century. Crisp typewritten invoices made massive steel production possible. Combined with the telegraph it revolutionised business propelling America into the ranks of the World Powers.

Along with other office equipment enabled all business to advance. Could say it caused the industrial revolution in the office.

Typewriters became an aid to writers, although many disdained it and still write in long hand.

Eventually it was used in almost every home just as PC are today.

It was the #1 high school graduating(off to college) gift.

As a young girl I bought one of the old manual ones and it taught me how to type. I think it introduced the technique of using a tool, like a caveman computer. So later when the computer came out we would all understand how it works way better. I think we would all be lost if they just threw the computer at us without previous typing practice. One step at a time.
It also helped the proffessional world. It made a business appear more proffesional and aided in writing formal messages.

The typewriter gave respectable young women employment outside the home for the first time, an early step in women's lib.

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